Geography Insights: US - SYRACUSE

Quick Stats (Rolling 48 Months)

95Home Players
131All Players
75Winner WPPRs
223Total WPPRs
187Geo Rank

Player Personas

This Geo   PersonaInt'l Avg
Those who travel and are ranked in the top 2,500.
Those who travel and are outside the top 2,500.
11%Local Supporters
Those who go to multiple events but don't leave their home geography.
Those who went to one event and haven't (yet) returned.

Tournament Data

This Geo   Event TypeInt'l Avg
Events where 60%+ of the field are WPPRtunists.
Events where 30%+ of the field are Travelers.
0%Local Supporters
Events where 50% of the field are Local Supporters.
Events where 20% of the field are One-Timers.
8%Mixed Personas
All remaining events which indicates a mix of player personas.

Traveler Geographies

In the past 48 months, players who call US - SYRACUSE home like to travel to:

Tournament Sizes

In the past 48 months, tournament sizes in US - SYRACUSE:
Player Count# Events% EventsInt'l Avg

Top Tournaments & Events

In the past 48 months, the top 50 events in US - SYRACUSE:
57687Skill Shot James Bond Release Ma 2023-01 Traveler 14.88 32
44268Skill Shot - Grand Opening Tourn 2021-10 Traveler 12.31 31
47500Skill Shot - Fools RUSH In Match 2022-02 Traveler 9.77 25
63303“R” Pinball 2023 Summer/Fall 2023-12 Traveler 9.13 14
45344Skill Shot Holiday Qualifier Tou 2021-12 One-Timer 8.03 36
67473Skill Shot Arcade Thursday Night 2024-04 Mixed Persona 7.97 17
641475 Strikes IFPA Tournament 7/15/2 2023-07 Traveler 2.81 14
52109Rainville's Hideaway Summer IFPA 2022-08 Traveler 2.19 8
63188IFPA 5 Strikes Tournament 6/17/2 2023-06 Traveler 2.16 11
53777RGC Pinball Tournament sponsored 2022-10 One-Timer 1.96 39
61280IFPA Strikes Tournament @ “R 2023-04 Traveler 1.86 18
59139“R” Pinball Monthly 3 Strike 2023-02 Traveler 1.28 13
52021Rainville's Hideaway Summer Pinb 2022-07 Traveler 0.61 11

Top Players

In the past 48 months, the top 50 players in US - SYRACUSE:
IDPlayer NameRankPersonaPointsEvents
45444Andy Cushman 793 WPPRtunist 58.99 9
25553Eric Russell CNY 617 WPPRtunist 35.34 8
18719Kevin Manne 4050 Traveler 8.80 1
2300Chris Nosiglia 2733 Traveler 8.15 6
40859Stephen Orzelek 5804 Traveler 7.10 4
49829Pete Indick 2388 WPPRtunist 6.65 4
54657Matt Rainville 7685 Traveler 6.56 9
37482Ryan Zlomek 13935 Traveler 6.02 4
27266Mike Smith CNY 13440 Local Supporter 5.30 6
20593Jason Plourde 1870 WPPRtunist 4.54 5
71863Mark Jezioro 2565 Traveler 4.38 1
27270Orion Smith 11830 Local Supporter 3.61 6
60448Jeanette Fredrick 4555 Traveler 3.15 2
55119Rich Rainville 13496 Traveler 2.98 7
84590Michael Geiss 3993 Traveler 2.90 4
2304Chris O'Brien NY 10708 Traveler 2.87 2
84591Jack Healy 15452 Local Supporter 2.75 5
849Howard Levine 1856 WPPRtunist 2.33 3
671Bruce Nightingale 1940 WPPRtunist 2.31 2
54379Mike Rainville 14302 Traveler 1.99 7
50316Chris Piccioni 20983 One-Timer 1.94 1
902Todd Brotsch 12213 Traveler 1.76 2
88138Reed Grunder 15036 Traveler 1.73 2
40858Stephanie Orzelek 19219 Traveler 1.56 2
68964Jon Scaptura 16091 Traveler 1.55 5
74540Rob Frost 8391 Traveler 1.37 3
2305Bob Swan Jr. 1572 WPPRtunist 1.31 2
107132Shawn Smith CNY 15739 Traveler 1.29 2
71990Elena Kern 14910 Traveler 1.29 2
38659Zachary Frey 284 WPPRtunist 1.27 1
79597Ray Rainville 15203 Traveler 1.23 7
71989Derek Horton 14386 Traveler 1.17 2
45295Deric Harrington 2352 WPPRtunist 0.95 2
26342Jeffrey Wirth 9128 Traveler 0.93 1
81953Matthew Taylor NY 6657 Traveler 0.93 1
99420David Cutri 7437 Traveler 0.93 2
86746Jonathan Rodriguez CNY 16302 Local Supporter 0.93 3
84588Adam Ast 26541 Local Supporter 0.92 2
86748Jamie Parker 17778 Traveler 0.90 7
100246David Portine 18983 Traveler 0.90 4
86752Savannah Parker 18523 Traveler 0.80 7
86737Tim Ruymen 27184 Local Supporter 0.76 3
66692Ashley Ludwig 5561 Traveler 0.75 1
47961Carl Lutz 28210 One-Timer 0.75 1
48243Tim Peters 5246 Traveler 0.70 1
93023Robert Werner 2591 Traveler 0.70 1
107131Dannon Trahan 18039 Traveler 0.66 2
79596Dan Correll 17584 Traveler 0.64 1
72022Mike McGough 3439 Traveler 0.61 1
84589Susan Reeve 28747 Traveler 0.59 2


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Code Version 2.0.0
Data Extracted Through: 2024-04-30
Database Last Refreshed: 2024-05-12

Notes and Acknowledgements